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MAXIMIZE your philanthropic goals

  • Make a difference in people's lives and always be remembered for your contribution.
  • Benefit yourself, your family and Rice University with your planned gift.
  • Help us fulfill Rice's mission of providing world-class education and research for years and generations to come.

Gift Planning

Contact Us

The gift planning staff at Rice University is ready to help you consider and create a philanthropic strategy that is tailored to meet your family's financial objectives while leaving a legacy at Rice University. Our staff is personable and professional. You can be assured that we will never pressure important decisions and will honor your confidentiality in all matters.

Rice University
Rice University Office of Gift Planning
Development and Alumni Relations - MS 81
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251-1892
Telephone: 713-348-4624
Our Staff
Stephanie Dugan Stephanie Dugan, CAP®
Interim Executive Director of Gift Planning
(713) 348-6206
[email protected]
Martha Martinez Martha Martinez
Gift Planning Specialist
[email protected]

Thank you for reaching out to Rice University's Office of Gift Planning. We are delighted that you are interested in further information. We will make every effort to respond to you in a timely manner.

Enter Your Information

If you have already included Rice University in a bequest or other planned gift, we hope you will connect with us by filling out this form. We acknowledge and respect those who wish to remain anonymous, but we urge you to let us know of your plans on a confidential basis in any case. It supports Rice University's planning for the future!
